
shows + projects

welcome to the pleasure dome

November 30, 2023

soloshow @ KANYA & KAGE Galerie | Berlin opening 30.11.23 | 7pm Katharina Arndt entpuppt sich in dieser Ausstellung als scharfe Beobachterin, die die verschlungenen Netze der modernen Gesellschaft, des urbanen Lebens und ihrer eigenen Identität einfängt—sowohl als Malerin als auch als Berlinerin. text by Lorena Juan the ashtray, 2023, 90x65cm, acrylic paint on canvas […]

Whoop Whoop

Oktober 27, 2023

soloshow @ VIN Gallery | Vietnam opening 27.10.23 | 6:30pm Vin Gallery is pleased to announce “Whoop Whoop”, a solo show by the German artist Katharina Arndt. This show showcases her latest works of figurative paintings that explore the themes of sound, movement, and emotion of daily life. text by Blake Palmer “I really enjoy […]

hot guys, hot chicks, hot pants

August 13, 2023

soloshow @ RedD GALLERY | Greece opening 12.08.23 | 8pm hot guys, hot chicks, hot pants During her stay in Chania as part of the RedD Gallery Residency Program Katharina Arndt got a good taste of the local experience. When the weather was cloudy she’d spend her day wandering around the Venetian streets of the […]

Mein Covergirl

Juli 28, 2023

ART MAGAZIN: Artikel von Larissa Kikol „Neue Naive“ Ich bin sehr stolz und überglücklich, daß meine Arbeit „Julia in Nice“ (2022, 180x125cm, Acryl auf Leinwand) das Cover der Augustausgabe der ART ziert, sowie daß Larissa Kikol neben anderen großartigen Künstlern auch über meine Arbeit geschrieben hat. August Ausgabe | erschienen am 28.07.2023 Hier findest du […]

while waiting for death

Juli 7, 2023

soloshow @ MOTT PROJECTS | NY opening 07.07.23 | 6pm while waiting for death … meanwhile we could have fun, focus on the basics like food, love, sex and gossip Mott Projects is pleased to present while waiting for death, a solo exhibition by Berlin and Barcelona based artist Katharina Arndt. This is Arndt’s first […]

Divas after work

Juni 6, 2023

double solo @ STATION GALLERY | Bratislava opening 06.06.23 | 7pm Zuzana Svatik + Katharina Arndt Welcome to Station Gallery in Bratislava, where we proudly present „Divas After Work”, a duo exhibition featuring ceramic works by Zuzana Svatik and paintings by Katharina Arndt. Playfully employing various archetypes of femininity by pop culture and, this exhibition […]

Don’t call me Babe!

März 6, 2023

soloshow @ ARTUAL GALLERY | Beirut Eröffnung am 07.03.23 | 7pm Even if I am F* sexy, you can take me seriously. The exhibition title is also the title of the large beach panorama. A sexy black lady with many curves stands in the middle of the painting and says into her phone „Don’t call […]


Januar 25, 2023

groupshow @ GALLERIA PATRICIA ARMOCIDA Eröffnung am 25.01.23 | 7pm artists KATHARINA ARNDT | PETER DOYLE | JEREMYVILLE | DANNI PANTEL Galleria Patricia Armocida is pleased to present “PELLE”, the group exhibition with works by Katharina Arndt, Peter Doyle, Jeremyville, and Danni Pantel. “PELLE” is a reflection on the instinctive force of feeling, on emotional […]


November 27, 2022

groupshow @artual gallery in Beirut Eröffnung am 17.11.22 | 6-9pm artists Alex Anaughe Adam Handler Britty Em Katharina Arndt Theodosia Marchant Xinyan Zhang INSTALLATION SHOTS available artworks An overview of all available artworks. For more informations: please contact gallery director Sarya Martins Duration 17.11.-15.12.2022 Location Artual Gallery Eden Garden Building Al Daouk Street, Downtown […]


September 1, 2022

groupshow @OOW Berlin Eröffnung am 01.09.22 | 6-9pm artists Max Rödel Oskar Rink Philip Loersch Carlota G. Touet Izaak Brandt Katrin Funcke Vidal & Groth Katharina Arndt INSTALLATION SHOTS Photo by Jan Kopetzky Duration 01.09.-30.09.2022 visits by private appointment. Please call Sebastian +491634726148, or Mathis +491732390677. You are very welcome. Location OOW Architekten | Berlin […]

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