I like Palmtrees
Juni 6, 2024
grouphow @ Constant Dschungel | Denzlingen
Opening: 15.06.24 | 4pm
Finissage: 23.06.24 | 2pm
Katharina Arndt
Bel Fullana
Jiri Mayer
Paul Pretzer
Taco Sipma
Matti Schulz
I like Palmstrees steht für die Sehnsucht nach dem Süden, der Wärme, Zeit für Leere und Genuss. In meiner Vorstellung gehört dazu auch in der Sonne liegen, Schwachsinn quatschen, Party machen, Drogen nehmen ….. Alles Dinge, die nicht effektiv oder produktiv sind, sondern einfach nur Spaß machen. Die eingeladenen Künstler drücken dies formal wie auch inhaltlich in ihrer Arbeit aus.
I like Palmstrees stands for the longing for the south, the warmth, time for emptiness and enjoyment. In my imagination, this also includes lying in the sun, talking rubbish, partying, taking drugs ….. All things that are not effective or productive, but simply fun. The invited artists express this in both the form and content of their work.
Constand Dschungel is an exhibition space opened 2022 by Nils Jendri and Peter Seesemann.
The jungle metaphor highlights the unpredictability and challenges of the artistic process, but also the
potential for growth and artistic fulfilment. The daily business of an artist is to navigate through this
constant and ever-changing jungle.
an overview of all exhibited artworks and some lovely installation views
download PDF
Duration: 15.06. – 23.06.24
Opening hours:on request
Constant Dschungel Artspace
Hindenburgstr. 118 | 79211 Denzlingen